Hyptechie User Survey

Thank You for choosing to help us understand you better. We will give a 10% discount coupon for your time as thankful gesture.

Please log in first to get a 10% discount coupon added to your account automatically after completion of this survey.

Or else, a discount code will be sent to you on your email ID, which you can add to your account manually later when you first log in.

    Gender (required)

    Preferred Login Method (You can select multiple)
    Google AccountFacebook AccountLinkedIn AccountVia Email and Password

    Experience Level (required)
    0-2 Years2-5 Years6-9 Years10-15 Years15+ Years

    Preferred Learning mode (You can select multiple)
    Topic wise (e.g. How to configure a Router, Interview refresher session, etc.)Complete Courses (e.g. CCNA, Python basics, etc.)

    Any other suggestions for Learning mode?

    Preferred Enrolment methods for each Learning mode (You can select multiple)

    Any other suggestions for Enrolment methods?

    Would you like to become a trainer for any topics or courses?

    Did you know that you will get a 10% discount coupon for filling this survey?

    Did you know that you will get a 10% discount coupon for creating a topic for which a training gets completed?

    Did you know that you and your friend will get a 10% discount coupon for sharing a referral code to a friend who enrolls in a training on Hyptechie?

    Did you know that a trainer will earn 10% more if he completes a training in a topic that he had created?

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to refer Hyptechie to your friends?

    Any other suggestions?